
At the Heart of Your Community

Promutuel Insurance du St-Laurent aux Appalaches, East Sector (Chaudière Appalaches), mindful ofthe importance of acting on its mission as a proud, locally rooted Mutual, hasa program to donate to worthy causes. As part of its At the Heart of YourCommunity program, the Mutual company is inviting its insured members to submit an inspiring project from an organizationdedicated to supporting the well-being of its community. Selected organizationswill receive funding to support their projects.

Voting has ended. Check out the selected projectsbelow.


See program rules


Follow our Facebook page for full details on the current edition!

Information : 1 800 561-4110 ou [email protected]

Retrouvez les projets gagnants des éditions antérieures: 

2023, 2024


In the Heart of Your Community winning organizations 2024

Name of organization Project 
CISSSCA CHSLD de Sainte-Croix A comforting space for families  
CALACS Chaudière-Appalaches Klémo, the comforting confidant (phase II)  
Jolibois Childcare Centre  Playground exploration  
Regroupement des personnes aidantes de Lotbinière Adaptation of living spaces for caregivers in Lotbinière  
École de L’Épervière Upgrades to the playground 
Polyvalente de Black Lake Foundation Outdoor activities for everyone  
Coup de Pouce nourrice Outreach to young moms  
Maison Le Périscope Relocation and improvement of physical resources 
Maison des Jeunes Beauce-Sartigan Decorating for teens  
Cultiver pour Partager Purchase of equipment to load and unload vegetables 
Carrefour emploi Lotbinière Expansion of the community school program
Leeds-Saint-Pierre-Kinnear’s Mills Fire Department Agreement for rescue services in remote areas 
Coop de solidarité multiservices de Saint-Pierre-de-Broughton Support for shows in the community 
Les Joyeux Pionniers de Ste-Croix Inc. Fadoq Outdoor bocce ball court 
Coeur Villageois Committee Rest stop in the heart of the village 
Présence Lotbinière Set up and adaptation of spaces  
Jolibois Childcare Centre Taking learning outside  
L’Alternative Appalaches Inc. Personal growth through nature 
Centre Curé-Larochelle Inc.Renovations to the dining room 
Les Passionnés du bois des Appalaches Equipment upgrades 
Maison des Jeunes La Traversée 12-18 ans Equipment storage space 
Loisirs Saint-Apollinaire An improved visitor experience  
Ste-Hénédine Fire Department Potential risk on a farm 
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Frontenac Promoting inclusion  
Coopérative de consommateurs de St-Méthode-de-Frontenac  Purchase of a generator 
Corporation de la Conservation du Patrimoine St-Simon-Les-Mines Experiences in Cumberland 
Leclercville youth centre Upgrades to the recreation field