7 Moving tips

Moving at the end of the month? Keep this article handy. It’ll help you successfully transition to your new home insurance situation.

Before following each of the seven steps below, notify your insurer that you’re moving.

1 - Call your insurer to describe your new home

Here are the factors that may affect your new home insurance premium:

  • The size of your new home—is it bigger or smaller?
  • Whether your new home is in a city
  • Type of heating
  • Distance from the nearest fire station
  • 2 - Re-evaluate how much insurance you need

    A new home means a new situation and a new environment. Whether you’re moving into a smaller or larger home, you may have new property to insure. So take the opportunity to check whether you have the right amount of insurance for your new situation. Remember to declare any new property or equipment, such as a pool for example.

    3 - Add your spouse’s name to your new insurance policy

    4 – Update the list of your property

    Before packing everything up, use your smartphone to take pictures of your property and equipment. This will speed up the process in the event of a loss.

    5 - Insure your stored property

    Your home insurance (in effect when you move) will protect property you stored at your old or new home against theft and vandalism. However, this coverage does not apply to property stored temporarily at a public storage facility. Once again, feel free to contact your damage insurance agent for more information.

    6- Check your moving company’s insurance

    This is very important because in the event of damage or a loss, your reimbursement will be handled by your moving company’s insurer.

    7 - Check if your insurance covers a rented moving van

    For example, you could add Endorsement QEF 27 to your current auto insurance policy. It covers any damage to a rented vehicle.

    Final tips

    Your home insurance covers your property while you move (for a period of 30 days), BUT:

  • Your home insurance policy must still be in effect when you move
  • Coverage depends on the type of policy you have, i.e., comprehensive or named perils
  • We wish you a great move and every happiness in your new home!