Centre sportif Promutuel arena a finalist in the Kraft Hockeyville competition

The Centre sportif Promutuel regional arena in Huntingdon is one of four finalists in the national Kraft Hockeyville competition, which highlights the importance of financing and maintaining local ice rinks in Canada.

Social engagement is a cornerstone of the mutual philosophy of Promutuel Insurance Vallée du St-Laurent, which has given the arena financial support since 2011. Ice rinks play an important role in communities, so the mutual is proud to contribute to the development and long-term viability of this community gathering place.

Vote on March 30 and 31!

Online voting opens March 30 at 12:00 a.m. and closes March 31 at 10:30 p.m. at https://www.krafthockeyville.ca/.

If Huntingdon wins, Régie intermunicipale de la patinoire régionale de Huntingdon will receive $250,000 for renovations and the arena will host a preseason National Hockey League (NHL) game. The second, third, and fourth finalists will all receive $25,000.