Grand défi Pierre Lavoie: Count us in!

Why are we taking part in the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie (GDPL)?

For so many reasons! Here are the first and foremost:

  • To be role models for our kids and encourage them to have healthy lifestyles
  • For the physical challenge
  • To be the best that we can be

How are we taking part?

Our brave athletes will take part in the 1,000 km bike tour—the final GDPL challenge. Day and night, from June 11 to 14, five outstanding cyclists will take turns biking from Saguenay−Lac-Saint-Jean all the way to Montréal.

Our Promutuel Insurance GDPL heroes

Our team is made up of five members of senior management:

François Chartier, general manager of Promutuel Insurance L’Outaouais, will be joining the team to drive the recreational vehicle that will house the riders during the four days!

Our commitment to the younger generation

The 1,000 km challenge has given Promutuel Insurance the chance to sponsor an elementary school. Laurier Station’s École de la Source was randomly selected in a draw from among all the candidates submitted by our mutual insurance associations. At the end of the challenge, the Promutuel Insurance team will have inspired the kids to earn energy cubes, and will donate all the funds raised to the school to finance a healthy lifestyle project!

Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie Promutuel Assurance
Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie Promutuel Assurance

(Photos of the kids with Martin Bergeron and Pascal Tessier-Fleury)

Two happy Promutuel Insurance team members visited the children from École de la Source to explain the importance of a healthy lifestyle and encourage them to earn energy cubes (1 energy cube = 15 minutes of physical activity). This “Healthy Lifestyle” visit ended on a practical note, with everyone playing aki!

Your contribution to the success of the project

Help us help École de la Source to finance its project. Donate online:

The more money we raise, the greater the impact on the 315 students of École de la Source!

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