5 things to do before renting an apartment

When you visit an apartment for the first time, you usually project yourself living in it, without taking time to pay attention to the details and the defaults of the place. Being excited about a new place is totally normal, but you cannot forget to stay calm and act pragmatically. To help you, here are five things that you should consider before starting looking for places.

During your first visit:

Obviously, the most important moment is your first visit of the apartment. During this visit, you must check on the following elements:


  • Are the isolation and the heating in a good condition?
  • Does the hot water is functioning properly?
  • Humidity and mold: you can often find those in the bathroom, and it is usually due to bad ventilation.
  • Plumbing and flush: is the water circulating correctly?
  • Electric outlets: are they all working?

Make sure you take time to do those verifications, so that you don’t end up having bad surprises when you move in!

Don’t hesitate to ask questions!

Once you are installed in your new place, it might be more difficult to contact or communicate with your landlord. That is why you should take advantage of your visits to ask as many questions as possible. Make sure you go in depth with the details and ask specific questions before signing your lease.


  • Are the public services costs included in the rent?
  • Are you allowed to paint or decorate the place?
  • Did your landlord change the locks recently?
  • How are the neighbours and the neighbourhood’s environment?
  • Does the place come with a parking spot?
  • What does the monthly rent include (especially regarding heating and hot water)?
  • Are you allowed to bring small animals?
  • Does the place come with a washer and a dryer? If not, is there any within the shared areas?
  • Is there a storage space?
  • Is the place well soundproofed?


Do not visit the place by your own

During the first visit, the general impression and opinions are usually different according to the person. That is why we advise you to visit with a family member or a relative, who will be able to notice defects that you may have not seen, while assessing if the apartment matches your personality. This support will help you feel safe and more comfortable to ask questions to the landlord. Having someone visiting with you and discussing the general condition of the place with you is also a good way to picture yourself living there.

Make a list of what’s missing

Obviously, an apartment to rent is not does not necessarily come fully equipped, and what’s included in the rental may vary from a place to another. If you “the” place that you’ve always wanted, and that you’re certainly going to sign the lease, make sure you take some time to note what you need to buy first and foremost, in order not to forget anything. The more you know and the more organized you are, the easier your move will be! To make sure you’re well prepared, you can save time by notify your different service providers of your address change online.

Make a realistic budget

Finally, before signing up your lease, especially if it’s your first apartment rental, it’s very important to make a budget that includes all the different costs that might be related to your move, which includes:


  • Moving expenses
  • Security deposit
  • Telecommunication
  • Rental insurance
  • Purchase of furnitures, appliances, bedding, etc.


Now that we told you everything we could recommend you for your move, we wish you a good time visiting new places and a good move-in!