Job prospects in insurance

You’ve decided: in 2015, you’re going to make a change! But what? Have you thought about a career in insurance? Don’t say no straightaway. Read on, and you just might be surprised.

Generally, the beginning of the year brings new goals and challenges we set. For inspiration when choosing changes or improvements to make, read our survey of the employment prospects in our sector, property and casualty insurance.

The first thing to note is that when we talk about the property and casualty insurance industry in Québec, we are talking about:

  • 1,300 employers
  • 24,000 direct jobs
  • 14,500 certified positions

That’s a lot of people and activity!

We think two major fields hold the best career prospects:

1)Computer science

Insurance companies rely on computers. These organizations’ management is supported by complex, effective systems. Whether you are a programmer analyst, a project manager, an architect who specializes in application infrastructure or something else related to the field, you will find new possibilities, no matter your age or experience. At Promutuel Insurance, we are looking for new partners of all ages. And we promote work methods like Agile that encourage initiative in completing our projects.

2)The insurance professions

It may seem obvious, but what do we mean by insurance professions? At Promutuel Insurance, the term covers the following positions: insurance agents, claims advisors, prevention advisors,, etc.This year we are looking for candidates with diverse profiles, both specialists and managers, for a lean management environment. As of the beginning of the year, the claims sector has needed candidates for various positions, including recovery advisor..

If you want more information on careers in insurance and related training, we recommend visiting Pros de l’

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