Omnium du Québec Promutuel Insurance Tournament

Three good reasons to support the Omnium du Québec

1 – It’s in Quebec City!

The Omnium du Québec Promutuel Insurance Tournament is a terrific showcase for the Quebec City area. And as you know, we’re proud to support projects that contribute to local economic development.

2- It’s an international tournament!

The Omnium du Québec draws professional and amateur golfers from Canada, the United States, and around the world!

3 – It’s a historic tournament!

Created in 1909, it’s the second-oldest tournament in Canada, although it was on hiatus for a few years. Its resurrection in 2014 was actually prompted by Promutuel Insurance!

Enjoy the thrill of golf, on us

Enter for a chance to win VIP passes, a foursome round of golf with a pro in the July 15, 2015 Pro-Am, and $250 in cash. The contest is happening now on our Facebook page:

Hope to see you on the greens!