Our young directors share their thoughts!

Think you have what it takes to play a key role on a board of directors, but feel reluctant to make the leap? We asked our directors to tell us why they got involved and the tangible benefits they are reaping. After reading what they have to say, you won’t hesitate any longer.

Sophie Dion, Thetford Mines

His motivation: “Promutuel Insurance’s mutualist principles really struck a chord with me. The opportunity to actively participate in decision-making with a major organization that is a significant actor in the regional economy was also important. The challenges facing Groupe Promutuel and the willingness of the people there to cooperatively advance this Québec flagship while involving youth in the process—that’s what inspires me to stay.”

The benefits: “The beauty of Promutuel Insurance is the synergy between its emphasis on entrepreneurship and cooperation, and its community spirit. I am able to leverage my professional skills and experience to help advance a company that shares my values. It’s fulfilling! It also gives me a lot of satisfaction to see the economic and social benefits my involvement fosters in the region.

Joining the board of a mutual insurance association is… “Being part of a stimulating environment, meeting challenges, learning more about corporate governance, and being an agent for change in your community.”

Kristalna Vincent, Sherbrooke

His motivation: “The mutual aid movement draws its strength from democratic governance. Its wealth stems from the diversity of the discussions between directors, who share the common goal of meeting the needs of insured members. Being a participant in these exchanges is both a privilege and a great responsibility.”

The benefits : “This tremendous experience has helped me understand the issues in the mutual industry. I learned the standards regarding damage insurance and corporate capitalization. The training program also lets you join in and get involved in the board very quickly. It has given me confidence in my abilities.”

Joining the board of a mutual insurance association is… “An opportunity to network and to better understand how businesses and mutualist governance work.”

Luc Gagnon, Rigaud

His motivation: “Initially, I got involved to expand my network, since I am not from the area. But I quickly became drawn into a fascinating industry: mutual insurance! Because Promutuel Insurance is deeply involved in our region, I’m giving back to the community by helping my mutual insurance association improve.”

The benefits:“Being part of the board of a mutual insurance association allows me to work in a team, which I have very little opportunity to do at my job. I have also acquired knowledge I can apply to my own business.”

Joining the board of a mutual insurance association is… “An opportunity to take a fantastic training program that will help you serve as a director. You don’t need any experience to join the board!”

Anick Boisvert, Gatineau

His motivation : “One of my goals in joining the board of directors was to gain experience. Being involved in a mutual insurance association is motivating for me because it allows me to make decisions and to meet people from various professional backgrounds.

The benefits : “I can take advantage of training sessions on a variety of subjects relating to governance. This helps me better understand my job and better position myself in the workplace. I have learned to excel and be forward-looking.”

Joining the board of a mutual insurance association is… “Life experience that will help you grow, learn, and discover.”

Interested? Send your resume to [email protected] today.

Did you know? Promutuel Insurance includes 17 mutual insurance associations in all regions of Québec. Each one has a board of directors that ensures the association functions properly. Each board draws on its directors’ expertise, vision, and energy to make the best possible decisions for insured members.