Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve Donates $100,000 to Community Food Banks

Don 100k$ LAF

As part of a special initiative to mark the Group’s 170th anniversary, Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve is very proud to have donated $100,000 to seven food banks in its region (Québec City and area, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean and the North Shore).

Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve achieved exceptional financial results in 2021. The mutual association is celebrating this performance by launching a celebration of values dear to us—helping one another and working together. After consulting with members of the association’s team, the board of directors decided to support organizations that play a vital role in food aid in our communities.

Why did we choose food banks? “Because the organizations on the front lines have had to work tirelessly since March 2020 (and well before that) to meet people’s nutritional needs,” said Pierre Raymond, general manager of Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve. “We believe that stronger communities are the foundation of a solid and caring social fabric, and the organizations we’re supporting play a key role in this respect.”

The following organizations have received financial assistance from the mutual association:


The mission of Moisson Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean is to fight hunger in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region by collecting, storing and distributing food to people in need. It also helps improve quality of life for people from underprivileged socioeconomic backgrounds by encouraging solutions that promote individual autonomy and help people enter or re-enter the labour market.

“The amount granted by Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve will be used to create a fruit and vegetables packaging area that will then be distributed to 9,000 recipients across the region, ensuring that they have access to healthy food throughout the year,” said Yanick Soucis, general manager of Moisson Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean, at the cheque presentation.


Moisson Kamouraska’s mission is to fight poverty by soliciting and organizing the collection, preparation, processing, and distribution of foodstuffs while involving groups and individuals concerned with food safety.

“The donation from Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve is timely because many people have no choice but to rely on food banks due to ongoing inflation in recent months. This gift will help us purchase fresh produce and improve the food supply in Kamouraska. The rising cost of living has had a direct impact on households experiencing hardship. We have seen a 38% increase in demand for all services combined," said Mireille Lizotte, general manager of Moisson Kamouraska, at the cheque presentation.


The mission of Comptoir Alimentaire L’Escale de Baie-Comeau is to fight poverty by providing food assistance to those in need.

“The funding we received from Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve will help us provide more fresh food to families, said Josée Gagnon, chair of the board of directors of Comptoir alimentaire L’Escale, at the cheque presentation. “With food costs rising, a number of products have been priced out of our budget.”


Comptoir alimentaire Casi de Sept-Îles is dedicated to providing food assistance to those in need.

“In these uncertain and difficult times, CASI serves more people with each passing month. Needless to say, the financial assistance from Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve will go a long way towards purchasing food to better meet the need,” said Guylaine Caron, executive director of Comptoir alimentaire CASI, at the cheque presentation.


Centre Communautaire Pro-Santé de Charlevoix, in collaboration with other partners, works to maintain and improve the living conditions of seniors, people with less functional autonomy and people living in poverty and isolation.

“This donation will allow us to finalize our budget for the installation of cabinets where we can store more perishable foodstuffs. In addition, we will add meat and children’s snacks to our food bank bags,” said Annie Bouchard, executive director of Centre communautaire Pro-Santé, at the cheque presentation.


Ressources familiales Côte-de-Beaupré offer activities and services that focus on peer support, coaching, training and socialization in order to build parenting skills for parents while promoting overall development of children ages 0-12.

“The amount donated by Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve will be invested in a food security initiative, Tablée 138*, which is co-managed by two local agencies,” said Véronique Vézina, director of Ressources familiales Côte-de-Beaupré, at the cheque presentation “The current inflationary and post-pandemic environment greatly increased the needs of individuals in the community. This amount will help us better respond to a steady increase in requests to our various services for food aid.

*Food bank offering food distribution, community kitchens, creative kitchens, Christmas baskets


The mission of Le Carrefour communautaire de Chibougamau is to ensure food security by promoting social development and the fight against poverty in the region.

“This donation will help counter the rising cost of food baskets in order to meet the many and rapidly growing needs,” said Brigitte Rosa, executive director of Carrefour communautaire de Chibougamau.

Promutuel Insurance du Lac au Fleuve, which serves a vast territory covering the northeast of the province, shows the importance of giving back through its financial contributions to community groups. These organizations work hard with the most vulnerable among us. Their commitment is very inspiring and aligns perfectly with our organization’s mutualist values. It is an honour to support them in their excellent work and to help deliver important, meaningful, lasting initiatives for our community.