Satisfy your sweet tooth in and around Saint-Hyacinthe

You bet we’re thinking about it already! The great thaw and the equally great tradition that comes with it—sugaring time. The area around Saint-Hyacinthe has dozens of wonderful, warm, welcoming sugar shacks. That’s why we’re helping you out by sharing some of our top picks today. So get the whole family out there for an extra-sweet maple-sugary day to remember. Happy maple season!



Érablière L’Autre Versan


Érablière L’Autre Versan is as friendly, warm, and welcoming as they come and the perfect place to enjoy a traditional sugaring-season meal. There’s even a spiffy shop with a wide selection of maple and fruity treats from syrup to jellies, dressings, pastries, and candy. Guaranteed to appeal to every member of the family.

We love: The friendly, welcoming shop with its great selection of maple and fruit products


Domaine de l’Érable


Domaine de l’Érable is the ultimate family sugar shack that sweet-lovers of all ages will have circled repeatedly in red on their calendars. Traditional all-you-can-eat meal service, live music, outdoor fun, horse-drawn carriage, bouncy castles, and the traditional barnyard petting zoo that kids just love. Everything for an awesome family time!

We love: The bouncy castles and well-stocked petting zoo



Cabane à Tétreault


Cabane à Tétreault welcomes you to its giant cabin in the country with a big smile and an unconcealed zeal to treat to you to a perfect day. And you can see they’ve thought this through—there’s the maple meal service with its varied menu, snow taffy, a shop selling home-made products, traditional activities, and even a petting zoo with animals that will make a real impression on the little ones.

We love: The unique decor and the reasonable price


Érable d’hier chez Marc

La Présentation

You’ll find Érable d’hier chez Marc’s sugar shack out in the La Présentation woods—a peaceful country setting ideal for the sheer pleasure of getting together. You’ll love the delicious traditional sugar-shack meal, served up all-you-can-eat style in a festive, welcoming family atmosphere.

 We love: The warm, welcoming atmosphere and sense of family




There you have it—a few of our favourite sugar bushes in the Saint-Hyacinthe area. Bear in mind that local sugar bushes are already booking up fast. So don’t just stand there! Reserve yourself a day at the one that already has your taste buds trembling with anticipation. And happy sugaring!