Water damage: Are you covered?

Did you know that water damage is the number one cause of home insurance claims in Québec? Water where’s it’s not supposed to be can cause major damage to your home—and your wallet. That’s why it’s important to know whether your insurance policy covers you in different situations.

To help you make sense of it all, here are nine possible causes of water damage and the applicable coverage for each.

1. Dishwasher

Your dishwasher is your friend most of the time, but what happens if the hose breaks while it’s running? You’ll be relieved to know that water damage caused by a dishwasher leak is covered by your basic home insurance policy.

2. Bathtub

Your bathtub overflowed. It’s not exactly a pleasant situation, but take heart. This type of damage is also covered by your basic insurance policy.

3. Washing machine

What if your washing machine springs a leak? Don’t panic. A washer leak is covered by your basic insurance policy. But make sure you’re always nearby when your washer is running so you can react quickly if there’s any problem. In fact this advice is good for the dishwasher too.

4. Strong winds

Windstorms often bring rain with them. Your home’s siding or roof can be damaged if the storm blows down a tree, for example. Then rain can blow in at the point of damage. Once again, it’s comforting to know that this type of damage is covered by your basic insurance policy.

5. Heavy rain

Rain can cause different types of damage. If heavy rain results in a roof leak, are you covered or not? In this case it depends on what type of policy you have. If the damage caused by a roof leak is not included in your basic policy and you want to be covered, you’ll have to add an endorsement.

6. Roof collapse

The principle is the same if water leaks in through the roof due to the weight of snow or ice. It depends on the type of policy you have. Check if damage caused by water coming in through the roof is included in your basic policy.

7. Melting snow

Every year people are happy to see the snow melt because it means warmer weather is on its way. But it can also cause headaches. One common way is when water seeps in through the foundation of your home. Watch out! This type of damage is not covered by your basic insurance policy. You have to take out additional coverage.

8. Water main break

A water main breaks and your basement floods. The only good thing is that water damage caused by a broken water pipe is covered by your basic insurance policy.

9. Sewer backup

Are you covered if the sewer system backs up and causes damage to your home? Not by your basic insurance policy!

At Promutuel Insurance we offer three endorsements to meet your additional coverage needs:

  • Sewer Backup
  • Water Damage (Ground Water and Sewer)
  • Water Damage (Above Ground Water)

For more information, contact your Promutuel Insurance representative.

As you can see, some types of water damage are not necessarily covered by your home insurance. You can always purchase endorsements to cover you in the event of damage not covered by your basic policy.

And since half of all insurance claims can be attributed to water damage, it’s important to remember that prevention is key. There are lots of ways to prevent water damage to your home. (link: https://www.promutuelassurance.ca/en/blog/mutuals/article/six-ways-prevent-water-damage-your-home)

Feel free to ask your damage insurance representative for more information!

Source : https://infoassurance.ca/en/home-insurance/claims/test-water-damage.aspx