This Way for Savings

Keeping tabs on your budget can help you enjoy the little pleasures in life, like vacations, gifts, dining out and lots more! Before you think about treating yourself though, here are some tips to help you really save money on your car insurance.

1 + 1 = - 10%

This might not look like it adds up, but here’s the deal: if you take out car and home insurance policies with the same insurer, you’ll qualify for additional discounts. How much you save will depend on how many insurance policies you take out, as well as the type of policy, but on the whole you can expect up to 10% discount. What’s more, if you insure more than one vehicle with the same insurer, you could even save up to 15%!

New vehicle = - 10%

If you have a new vehicle, you could enjoy a 10% discount. Discounts like this are always welcome when you’ve just made such a big purchase.

Students = - 20%

Young drivers, don’t feel left out! There are student discounts designed especially for younger drivers. The most generous discounts offer up to 20% savings on car insurance! So when you’re shopping around for your new policy, make sure you fit the insurer’s definition of a “young person”. Some insurers offer discounts for young people under age 24, but others stretch out the savings to those 30 and under. When all’s said and done, just choose the most generous insurer out there!

Anti-theft system = - 30%

Anti-theft systems can be one of the most attractive ways to save money on your insurance. Some insurers offer up to 30% discount on car insurance premiums for installing an anti-theft system on your vehicle. You should also know that anti-theft marking on certain parts of of your vehicle or fitting a GPS tracking system can also lower your car insurance premiums.

Safe drivers = - 35%

Safe driving can save you money! If you are a safe driver without any driving violations or insurance claims for a specified number of years, you can be a winner. We did a search, and the best offer we found for a safe driving record was a 35% discount on car insurance. So be careful out there on the roads – it might just save your life as well as saving you money on your insurance.

One final piece of advice: the discounts mentioned above will not necessarily be cumulative, but you might benefit from some combinations when shopping around for your car insurance.

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