Promutuel Insurance Lanaudière

Back-to-school scholarship

Promutuel Insurance Lanaudière is proud to help people from the region pursue their dreams by giving them a helping hand with their studies. Sabrina Giroux is the lucky winner of one of our two $500 scholarships.

When she accepted the scholarship, she said it would help pay for the dance classes her daughter has been dreaming about. We took advantage of this opportunity to open our doors to Sabrina and share with her a slice of our day-to-day. We hope we were able give her a taste of our passion for the insurance industry and mutualist values.

Photo, left to right:
Back: General manager Bouthaina Méchichi and winner Sabrina Giroux.
Front: Director of human resources Sandra Bruneau, director of finance Louise Continelli, and director of claims Sylvain Ricci.