Promutuel Insurance Lanaudière

Back-to-school scholarship

Promutuel Insurance Lanaudière is proud to help people from the region pursue their dreams by giving them a helping hand with their studies. Amélie Beaulieu is the lucky winner of one of our two $500 scholarships.

Amélie was delighted and told the Mutual’s general manager that she would put the scholarship towards her university tuition this semester. Awarding the scholarship provided a great opportunity to chat. Thank you for sharing with us, Amélie!

Promutuel Assurance Lanaudière is there for you.

Photo, left to right:
Back: General manager Bouthaina Méchichi and winner Amélie Beaulieu.
Front: Director of claims Sylvain Ricci, director of finance Louise Continelli, and director of human resources Sandra Bruneau.