Being happy in the insurance workplace

Feeling good in your own skin ensures greater overall happiness, but also happiness at work. People who work for insurance companies usually have sedentary jobs, and sedentariness affects health.

Numbers that kill!

People who sit for more than six hours a day at work have a 20% greater mortality rate than those who spend fewer than three working hours in a chair (source: American Cancer Society)! And the damage is irreversible. Even if you play a lot of sports or follow a special diet, they won’t make a difference: the day’s damage cannot be erased. But there’s no need to panic! You can limit the problem by being more active during your work day.

How can I get in better shape at the office?

Here’s some advice from Isabelle Tremblay, our workplace well-being specialist at Promutuel Insurance:

  • Get up and go speak to your colleagues directly
  • Take regular breaks, for instance, take a five-minute break every hour, walk around, and stretch
  • Organize standing or even walking meeting
  • Get out of your chair: meetings will be quicker and more efficient because you can’t stand for two hours!

Next, here are some short exercises to correct poor posture that are easy to do at the office. Go on, get up and get moving: 

Bien être au travail dans le monde de l'assurance Promutuel Assurance

At Promutuel Insurance Monts et Rives, each employee has an adjustable sit-stand workstation so they can adjust their position throughout the day.

promutuel assurance monts et rives

Some businesses have gone a step further and offer employees ways to exercise while they work. For example, Cubii offers elliptical trainers that can be placed under desks.

At Promutuel Insurance Monts et Rives, each employee has an adjustable sit-stand workstation so they can adjust their position throughout the day.