Five commandments for using social media to find your dream job

Before diving into your search, follow these five commandments to make a good online impression and maximize your opportunities!
LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter—whatever the platform, it’s important to project a professional and inviting image. Pay special attention to your profile photo. It needs to draw people in and leave a positive impression. Choose a profile photo that’s right for the business you’re in. If it’s a creative field, you’ll want a photo that’s eye-catching and original. If you’re a business exec, you’ll want a very professional-looking photo that shows your serious, dependable side. Your profile pic should reflect your personality while respecting the codes of your industry and your level of responsibility. Family pics? Photos from your latest vacation? They’re out. Take the time to configure the settings on your various accounts to limit access to your photos, and choose your platforms. If most of your professional interactions happen on LinkedIn and Twitter, present yourself in the same way on both to project a coherent image. For personal profiles, go through your security settings carefully to make sure personal details aren’t available to the public. And remember: once you publish Web or social media content, it’s out in public view, notably if there’s a change in the platform’s privacy policy. Post with caution! What goes up on the Web, stays on the Web.
Having a profile that is 100% complete and up to date is also of the essence, especially on LinkedIn, where you can promote your professional experience and competencies. Do include community and volunteer activities, as well as any other projects you’ve been involved in related to your field of work.
Getting in touch with people is the key to getting noticed and building a solid network. This takes time and energy, but can really pay dividends. To make it easier, map out your strategy. Establish a list of criteria to focus your efforts, by determining, for example, the types of people you want to contact. Should you be networking with professionals who are active in your field, business executives, or human resource experts? Take the time to contact two or three of these people per day, using an approach that’s appropriate for the person you’re contacting. It’s possible they won’t have anything to offer you on the spot. But those same people could get back in touch at a later date if something opens up.
Sharing articles that are in line with your skills or professional interests is a great way to show you’re active and up to date in your field. You can also publish your own opinions or post comments on the articles of others. This shows you can think critically and are open to discussion. But be sure to talk about things you know! This reduces the risk of getting caught up in a debate on a subject that you may not be be particularly well qualified to comment on. When you publish something, keep in mind that you have followers. So stick with subjects that are useful and relevant to your network.
Get in touch with businesses you think are amazing! When you send an unsollicited resume, explain in an email, phone call, or cover letter why you’d like to work for them. Are you a fan of their brand? Do you know someone who works there? Do you love their products or services? Tell them how you heard about the business and make a point of mentioning a recent project of theirs that really impressed you. The goal is to make a genuine contact with the business and show sincere interest that goes beyond the surface. Be yourself!
Beyond social media, be sure to check job search sites and job search aggregators. It’s also important to go directly to the career pages of companies you’re interested in, since many don’t post their job offers on external sites.
And most important of all, stick to it!
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