Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud

Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud becomes a Platinum Sponsor of the Promoteur de la vie (Life Promoter) Program

On April 19, suicide prevention centre Centre d’écoute et de prévention suicide Drummond (CEPS Drummond) officially launched its new Promoteur de la vie cohort. In April 2021, CEPS Drummond inaugurated its new funding initiative, the Promoteur de la vie corporate partnership plan, designed to be mutually beneficial both for businesses and CEPS Drummond. A year later, about 15 organizations are now involved in the project. This spring, Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud is proud to join the program as a Platinum Promoter! In concrete terms, the Promoteur de la vie plan allows us to bring everyone in our workplace together by providing training, raising awareness, and putting life promoter concepts into practice.

Photo, left to right:
Guylaine Romanesky, General Manager of Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud, and Nathalie Benoit, Vice-Chair of the CEPS Drummond Board of Directors

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