Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud

Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud reports excellent financial results for 2020 and distributes $3.1 million in dividends to its insured members

Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud held a virtual annual meeting for its insured members, announcing excellent results for 2020. For the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, the mutual posted insurance earnings of $7,361,000, mainly due to a drop in claims and actions taken in recent years to improve profitability. In addition, given the mutual association’s outstanding results in 2020 and the undeniable impact the pandemic has had on the community, Promutuel Insurance has announced it will be distributing $3.1 million in dividends to its insured members.
When sales totals are set against the compensation paid out in 2020 to insured members for losses, Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud came out with an insurance profit. “We know our results were affected by the pandemic, but they also reflect our resourcefulness and all the hard work we put in, and we’re very proud of that,” said Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud general manager Guylaine Romanesky during the virtual annual meeting for members.
From left to right: Kristalna Vincent-Douville, Chair of the Board of Directors of Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud, and Guylaine Romanesky, General Manager of Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud, announced that the mutual insurance association will distribute $3.1 million in dividends to insured members.

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