Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud

THERE to give back to the community

At its recent virtual recognition event, Centraide Centre-du-Québec (United Way) presented 8 awards to volunteers, donors, community organizations, and partners who stood out for their generous contributions to the latest campaign.

Promutuel INsurance Centre-Sud is the proud recipient of the Reconnaissance Impact award for employee donations for the 2020 campaign! This award is in recognition of the campaign that saw the biggest increase in contributions over last year's (increase in employee donations, average donation, or participation rate).

Last fall, we spearheaded a campaign for Centraide​ Centre-du-Québec and Centraide Estrie by way of the Clicdon online platform. A virtual launch was held during which employees were invited to explore the platform, listen to a testimonial from an organization, and learn more about Centraide's mission. Employees were eager to get on board , and we saw contributions climb from a total of around $900 in 2019 to an impressive total of nearly $7,710 in 2020.

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