Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud

THERE for mental health

THERE for holiday fun and enjoyment

As a proud local mutual, Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud is pleased to announce that it is donating $300,000 to support mental health in the region. The money will go to six local community organizations that advocate for mental health:

Centre d’écoute et de prévention suicide Drummond ($100,000)

JEVI, Centre de prévention du suicide – Estrie ($100,000)

La Cordée, Ressource alternative en santé mentale, Sherbrooke ($25,000)

L’Éveil, Ressource communautaire en santé mentale ($25,000)

L’Ensoleillée, Ressource communautaire en santé mentale, Granit ($25,000)

Réseau d’aide Le Tremplin, Drummondville ($25,000)

The pandemic has drastically changed the daily lives of most residents in the region. They are now dealing with new emotions, changes in behaviour, thoughts, and feelings, as well as new realities. In a spirit of strong solidarity, Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud is supporting these six organizations, which have seen heavy demand during the pandemic. As we near the end of the year, and at a time when mental health support is desperately needed and the numbers are skyrocketing, Promutuel Insurance Centre-Sud has made mental health a priority.

We’re all susceptible to mental health challenges. It’s important to take care of ourselves and those around us. As the holiday season approaches, we wanted to give a magical and meaningful gift to organizations that directly help people in our community who are experiencing psychological distress. We care about the many residents facing difficulties at this time. Our donations will give them access to quality services and be a source of comfort.

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