b'In-depth familiarity with all Qubec Mutualistregionsvalues A strong presence across Solidarity, mutual assistancethe provinceand cooperation to create value in the communityLocal connectionsStrong ties with insured members and communities For a unique member experience!THERE, 170 years laterAfter 170 years, Promutuel Insurance is still THERE for you, stronger than ever, because we have stayed true to our values and roots. Those same values and roots continue to guide our strategic thinking and are more relevant than ever to our communities, given all the changes we face. Think of the impact of climate change increase, which is creating challenges for our insured members and forcing us to review our practices so we can be part of the solution, or inflation, which is putting significant pressure on our operating costs and driving innovation so we can continue providing quality services to our valued insured members.These major modern-day challenges are an opportunity for us to build on Groupe Promutuels distinctive strengths and ensure the peace of mind of Quebecers for a long time to come.3 1 2 A nnua l 2 Re or t | p 20'