b'Staffing of a teamParticipation in panels specializing in corporateand committees related social responsibility to climate change and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issuesThe goal is to create value for the association, our insured members and our communities and ensure their resilience in the face of the social and environmental transition.Creation of a CSR committee within the expanded Office of the CEO Donations and sponsorshipsThe Vice-presidents of all Federation business lines and the RegionalOver $3.8M in donations and sponsorships were made in 2022 to vice-presidentsforGroupePromutuelsmutualassociationsarecontribute to the economic and social well-being of the regions members of this committee and are committed to the associationsserved by Groupe Promutuels mutual insurance associations.CSR ambitions.Equity, diversity, and inclusion awareness trainingWe devoted part of our last conference to this topic and invited inspiring speakers to share their best practices with our directors.5It should also be noted that Promutuel Insurance is already well| t or Re l nnua A p 22 2 20on its way to achieving gender parity, with women holding 56% of management positions in the organization.'