b'GROUPE PROMUTUEL FDRATION DE SOCITS MUTUELLES DASSURANCE GNRALECONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOMEFor the year ended December 31, 20222022 2021(in thousands of Canadian dollars) $ $REVENUERevenue from regular operationsGeneral contribution 59,593 44,474IT 20,128 19,142Services billing 26,271 24,255Implementation plan 17,817 15,834Other projects 1,533 1,919Stewardship 577 733Insurance products 5,414 3,471Financial revenue 169 22Investment loss related to Fonds de garantie (339) (41)131,163 109,809EXPENSESHuman resources 46,797 41,179Physical resources 43,137 35,166Advisory resources 23,920 14,578Implementation plan 29,369 11,415Other projects 1,533 1,795Financial 821 868Expenses related to Fonds de garantie 123 115145,700 105,116Earnings before income taxes (14,537) 4,693Income taxes (recovery) (3,711) 1,1591Net income (10,826) 3,534 | t or Re p l nnua A 25 2 20Other comprehensive incomeItems that will not be reclassified subsequently to net incomeActuarial gain on pension plans, net of income taxesof $4,236 ($3,285 in 2021) 11,747 9,111Comprehensive income 921 12,645'