b'WithourstrategicplanwellunderwayandperformanceholdingFinally, I cannot overlook the contribution that each individual member strong, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the members ofof our team makes to Group Promutuels success and growth. With the Executive Committee and my colleagues in the Office of the CEO.your talent and collective expertise, you provide peace of mind to You are bright, talented, engaged, and inspiring. You go above andnumerous Quebecers by protecting what is most precious to them.beyond to ensure the success of Promutuel Insurance, and working alongside you every day is a great privilege! Lastly, a big THANK YOU to our 634,000 insured members for their ongoing trust. Every day, you are at the top of the priority list for our My heartfelt thanks also to the members of Groupe Promutuels Boardincredible team, which strives constantly to better meet your needs. ofDirectorsandthedirectorsofourmutualassociationsfortheir commitment to understanding Promutuel Insurances ambitions and helping them come true. Your steadfast commitment and support help shape the future of our organization in ways that uphold the mutualist values that are so dear to us. Thank you for being THERE!Genevive Fortier ,M.A., CRHA FELLOWChief Executive Officer1 3 2 A nnua l 2 Re or t | p 20'