b'20202023 Strategic Plan : Changing to Better Serve our Insured MembersGroupe Promutuel redoubled its efforts during the 20202023 strategicWewerealsoperseveringanddisciplinedinoureffortstoachieve planning cycle to build a modern and secure technological foundation toprofitable growth, both in our mutual associations and the Federation, help it consolidate its position as an industry leader. This critical phase willbyfocusingonpromisingprojectsforourorganization,namelythe allow us to step up our digital service offerings to our insured members,development of the Greater Montral market, the rollout of our plan to continuetomeettheirneeds,anddifferentiatethroughthesignaturestrengthenouragriculturalleadership,theimplementationofdynamic service on which we have built our reputation. pricing and the realignment of our organizational structure. We also began examining ways to better support our brokerage network.At the same time, we worked on reinforcing our security posture and submitted a strategy to deploy new productivity tools and transition to aIn 2022, we launched our ambitious transformation project. We created new modern workstation, designed to be simpler for our staff so that theythe Transformation Office to accelerate the implementation of initiatives | t or Re 2 l nnua A 20 22 p 6 can be even more efficient in providing services to our insured members. aimedatmodernizingourbusinessmodelandcorporategovernance. These efforts, which are essential to Groupe Promutuels sustainability, are also a source of motivation for all our staff, who are involved in a multitude of initiatives aimed at increasing our performance and introducing, within our teams, the conditions for success required to achieve our ambitious goals.'