b'Giving back: An enduring source of pride Were proud of our mutualist values and the difference they make to our insured members and communities. Through the unwavering commitment ofGroupePromutuelsmutualassociations,nearly$3.8millionwas distributedtovariousorganizationsoverthepastyearfordeserving projects in the community.AndletsnotforgetthegenerosityofGroupePromutuelemployees. They also did their part to bring joy and comfort, whether by donating homegrown produce to food banks, helping prepare and deliver Christmas baskets for people in need, setting up a codevelopment program with organizations to create local value, or donating generously to Centraide through our workplace campaign. These were just some of the ways our team brought our values to life in the communities we serve.5 1 2 A nnua l 2 Re or t | p 20'