b'Internal controls, independent supervision, Ethics and professional conductand operational auditsAn Ethics Committee that reports to the Board of Directors ensures Our internal controls are effective and efficient. They are basedthat Groupe Promutuel applies a code of ethics and professional on reports from the people responsible for risk management andconduct that addresses both potential and apparent conflicts of regulatory compliance, along with any other reports drawn up forinterest. The Ethics Committee conducts annual assessments of the Board of Directors. the Boards integrity and collective competence.Our internal controls are also subject to various external oversight mechanisms, including external audits. GovernanceTheAuditCommitteehasbeenmandatedbytheBoardofGroupePromutuelsgovernanceframeworkalsoincludesa Directors to ensure compliance with sound business practicesprogram, policies, and a self-assessment mechanism based on and sound and prudent management practices. best practices, which, for the purpose of continuous improvement, are also part of Groupe Promutuels work to review and improve its governance. 5 6 2 A nnua l 2 Re or t | p 20'