b'Focus on member experienceIn 2023, we were excited to learn that Promutuel Insurance was the most recommended consumer insurer! We have always focused on actively listening to our members needs and providing them with the best support. Moreover, member experience has been a top priority for our organization for years. Our ongoing efforts to enhance member experience in 2023 attest to this. For example, we have:Committed to protectingMappedourmembershomeandcarinsurancejourneysandrolledoutnewinitiatives for improvement. our members privacyDelivered a training course on quality assurance feedback and coaching.Promutuel Insurance has always pledged to protect the information entrusted to us, in Fine-tuned analysis of our quarterly member satisfaction survey (transactional NPS).accordance with existing laws. In 2023, we took steps to obtain our members consent to the use of their personal information. In short, preserving our members confidentiality OrganizedaMemberExperienceDaytoraisestaffawarenessandrecognizeremains our priority.standout team members.In the same vein, we attach great importance to educating our staff about information Held monthly meetings of the member experience community of practiceincludingsecurity. As part of our Promutuel Insurance security awareness (PISA) program, our staffmembers of mutual insurance companies and the Federationto promote bestmembers take mandatory online training courses on how to use our systems properly, as practices within our organization. well as the behaviours to adopt and the role they must play in protecting information. In addition, we regularly organize harmless phishing campaigns and carry out personalized The fact that the people of Qubec recognize all the efforts we have made to providefollow-ups with teams that have a lower success rate. Lastly, as part of Cyber Security them with a service that exceeds their expectations is very telling and reassures us in ourAwareness Month in October, the PISA team held a series of activities to raise awareness goal to be a market leader in terms of member experience. among our teams and provide useful and relevant advice on how to protect our data in an ever-changing digital landscape. We do everything we can to secure the confidential information entrusted to our organization.rt o Rep l a u n n A 22Promutuel Insurance is 3 2 02 |the most recommended consumer insurer.* * Promutuel Insurance is the most recommended consumer insurer according to a SOM survey, conducted from September 11 to 25, 2023, of Qubec adults withcar or home insurance issued by damage insurers licensed to operate in Qubec.'