b'Our responsible investmentsAs a damage insurer, we pay particular attention to our investments. We believe thatEnvironmental protectioncompanies that consider ESG factors and non-financial risks in their management and investment decisions create long-term value for their stakeholders and communities. and responsible sourcingAll our portfolio managers are signatories to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment(PRI),andwehaveadoptedaResponsibleInvestmentPolicy.WealsoAs part of our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint and promoting best conducted a thorough review of our portfolio managers practices to identify areas forpractices, we work with project teams to help them integrate principles of sustainable improvement and ensure they are consistent with our CSR strategy. development.Lastly, we also launched an online training module on sustainable finance. It is meant to help our teams and key partners better understand responsible investing approaches and the associated value they create.Mutual company initiatives on resource management iew v Re R S C 2 4 7 and environmental protectionElimination of single-use plastic Waste reuse and treatment awareness campaigns32 0 |'