b'Diversity, equityand inclusion:Our core valuesThe core values of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) guide our reflections and help us continuously move forward our day-to-day interactions with our teams, our members, and our communities.For our organization, diversity and inclusion are two sides of the same coin. We value the diversity of profiles within our teams and are committed to creating a culture where everyone can grow and thrive. Fostering a more welcoming and inclusive workplace takes an open mind and a willingness to adopt positive behaviours, and take the small but meaningful actions needed each and every day. To achieve our ambition, we created a DEI position in 2023. The person in this role will be responsible for developing a DEI strategy and action plan to support our objectives and incorporate DEI into all facets of our organization. Ourcompanystandsoutforitsstrongfemalerepresentationinallareas,including management positions, across all our Mutual insurance companies. Women make up almost 70% of our total workforce. At the Federation, 55% of management positions are held by women. In 20242025, we will work to improve our data collection practices to iew v Re R S C 2 8 7 gauge the presence of other underrepresented groups in our organization.32 0 |'