b'PROMUTUEL RASSURANCESTATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITYFor the year ended December 31, 2023Accumulatedother Retainedcomprehensive Capital earnings income Total(in thousands of Canadian dollars) $ $ $ $Balance as at December 31, 2022 3,284 132,315 268 135,867 Adoption of IFRS9- (108)- (108)Balance as at January 1, 20233,284 132,207 268 135,759 Net income -27,969-27,969 Other comprehensive incomeActuarial gains on pension plans- - 8787Balance as at December 31, 20233,284 160,176 355 163,815 Balance as at December 31, 2021 3,284137,012 17,027 157,323 Adoption of IFRS17-3,685-3,685Adoption of IFRS9-17,022(17,022)-Balance as at January 1, 20223,284 157,719 5 161,008 Net income -(25,404) -(25,404)rt o Rep l a u n n A 50 Other comprehensive incomeActuarial gains on pension plans- - 263 263 Balance as at December 31, 20223,284 132,315 268 135,867 3 2 0 2|'