b'Socioeconomic impact:Partnerships and philanthropy Our organization has a long history of forging strong ties with our members and their communities. Through our commitment and our actions, we have been making a positive impact on our community for years.Here are some examples of the causes and organizations our Federation and Mutual companies support:Canadian Red Cross, to support its efforts to fight forest fires in Qubec and across Canada, and to provide emergency aid in response to the earthquake in Morocco Moisson du Qubec, Centraide, and many other similar organizations,to fight food insecurity and promote healthy eating habitsToy Parade, to collect and hand out toys in the community to bring joy to children before the holidays Le Grand dfi Pierre Lavoie, end-of-life care homes, and Alzheimersand suicide prevention foundations, to promote physical and mentalwell-being in our communities In the Heart of Your CommunityprogramEmployee involvement Several Mutual insurance companies have introduced the In the Heart of Your Community program to promote engaging projects that contribute to their communitys well-being. They asked their members and the public to suggest initiatives developed by communityAt Promutuel Insurance, employee involvement is a key part of how we contribute to organizations and local cooperatives. Priority sectors for program initiatives may include: the socioeconomic vitality of our communities, and is reflected in our partnerships and iew v Re R S C96philanthropic initiatives. Whats more, getting involved with various community initiatives is Education, youth, and tomorrows leaders a way for our employees to show their dedication for the causes near and dear to them.Health and social and community causesFor the Groups different Mutual insurance companies, this involvement takes many forms:Arts, culture, and recreationDedicated volunteer committees and programs for our teams 32 0 2 | Gift cards given to organizations selected by our staff'