b'Key policiesguiding our practices Promutuel Insurances CSR Policy serves The Responsible Investment Policy aligns The new Donation and Sponsorship Policyas the foundation for our environmental with our asset management approach is designed to guide the allocation andand social ambitions, structuring our actions by integrating environmental, social, management of donations and sponsorshipsand supporting consistent management across and governance (ESG) criteria and to maximize the positive impact we have onthe organization. It sets out guidelines non-financial risks. our communities. It will be presented tofor incorporating CSR principles into the Groups mutual insurance companiesour activities. in the coming weeks. CSR educationand awareness In our organization, efforts to educate our teams and raise their awareness of CSR and related topics are vital to the effective rollout of our strategy. To that effect, we are taking steps to help our teams at Mutual companies and across theComing in Federation. We believe that the only way to build a responsible tomorrow is by making2024sure all our staff, managers, and members of our Board of Directors and Management Team are fully engaged in this transition.We take various steps to continuously support our CSR awareness efforts, including:Helping teams develop initiatives, particularly by answering any questionsthey have.Providing Management Teams with guidance on how to integrate ourOur Diversity, Equity objectives into their Strategic Plan. and Inclusion PolicyOrganizing awareness sessions and workshops to incorporate CSR into theiew v Re R S C56day-to-day activities and work processes of various teams, including Human Capital, Information Technology, and Investment.32 0 2 |'