b'Our commitment for 20242025Based on Groupe Promutuels vision of CSR and the values we share, in 20242025 we pledge to:Actively deploy our CSR strategy: Create value for our members Live and grow responsibly:Value diversity and inclusionand communities:Develop increasingly engagedQuantify Scope 3 emissions. Develop and deploy our Diversity,corporate governance that extends Start rethinking our products and theEquity and Inclusion Policy acrossto risk management and beyond.experience offered to our members. Begin work to follow TCFDGroupe Promutuel. recommendations and incorporate climate issues into our processes Educate and train our managers and Step up our ongoing CSR trainingand awareness efforts. and strategies. staff on diversity and inclusion. Continue improving on how weCreate a Climate Committee. Extend our DEI strategy and actiondisclose CSR information. plan through 20242025.Establish performance indicators andspecific targets for achievingour goals.iew v Re R S C 2 8132 0 |'