b'Pillars ofOur CSR strategy reflects our core mission and desire to make a positive contribution to society and the environment while upholding our mutualist values. It is based on three pillars that define and drive our objectives and structure our promise to work towards our CSRcommittedsocialresponsibility.Itservesasaguidetoensureconsistencyacrossall Promutuel Insurance activities and to support us in our ambition to position ourselves as strategy an engaged and responsible leader.The three core pillars ofour CSR approach:Creating value Improving ourfor our members social and environmentaland our communities:performance:By integrating CSR into every aspect of our business, By acknowledging the climate emergency and aligningew vi Re SR C26 we are committed to providing our members with responsiblewith the Paris Climate Agreement, Promutuel Insurance insurance products and a unique and inclusive experience is committed to fighting climate change, aiming for net zerothat meets their needs. Our community involvement and emissions by 2050. We are taking a committed stance by workingcharitable donations attest to our commitment to giving back hard to put in place mechanisms to identify climate-related risksto our communities. and opportunities and to promote responsible management32 0 2 |of our resources and responsible investment and procurement.'