b'FONDS DE PLACEMENT PROMUTUELCOMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETSFor the year ended December 31, 20232023 2022$ $(in thousands of Canadian dollars)Opening balance 1,106,696 1,151,844Net income 100,537 (100,156)1,207,233 1,051,688Unit transactionsSubscription of units 160,900 177,139Redemption of units (61,850) (122,131)Increase from unit transactions 99,050 55,008Ending balance 1,306,283 1,106,696COMBINED STATEMENT OF INCOME AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOMEFor the year ended December 31, 20232023 2022$ $(in thousands of Canadian dollars)REVENUEInterest 22,420 18,693Dividends 15,736 13,354 A n n u a l Rep o rt 54Gain (loss) on investment and derivative financial instruments 65,423 (129,495)103,579 (97,448)EXPENSESCustodial and management fees 2,780 2,485 3 2 0 2|Administration fees 262 2233,042 2,708Net income and comprehensive income 100,537 (100,156)'