b'The indicators dont lieBased on the performance indicators established to monitor execution of the Strategic Plan, we are proud to confirm that we have achieved our objectives for 20202023. As these key indicators show, our teams efforts have paid off. Promutuel Insurance remains on target for profitable growth. Our teams are also poised to double our efforts between now and 2027 to transform our organization and stay competitive, while offering our members a unique and standout experience!Objectives for 2020-2023 Targets and Final resultsas at December 31,2023Financial objectives Actual TargetReturn on member 8% return on member equity with part of surplus redistributed14.8% 4.9%to clearly identified causes equityProfitable growth for all Group mutuals Premium growth 10.3% 8.7%Insured member objectivesMarket net promoterFirst Top 3 Top 3 for insured member experience score (NPS) (Fall 2023) (in 2023)rt o Rep al u n n A 42 Transactional NPS 53 52640,000 insured members Number of members 638,900 626,039Community objective3 2 02 |Industry median for responsible companies Close to $9.4 million(returned to members and communities in 2023)1 This financial measure does not meet International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The closest recognized measure, Insurance Service Revenue, is presented in the Statement of Incomeand Comprehensive Income of the Combined Financial Overview included in the 2023 Financial Report.'