b'Gender parity International Partner Young in Federation recruitment in of Numrique Directorssenior management Mutual companies au Fminin CommitteeIn 2023 we exceeded gender parity onInOctober2021,PromutuelInsuranceOurcompanywasalsoproudtobeThe Young Directors Committee is there the Federation senior management team,Lanaudire led an innovative recruitmentanalliedpartnerinthe6theditionto champion the role of director among which has a total of 11 women and 7 men. missiontoTunisia,resultingintheofNumriqueauFminin,aneventyoungpeopleandinstillacultureof permanent immigration of multiple peoplepromoting the role of women in the digitalinnovationwithinourorganization.The toQubec.Adedicatedcommitteesector held in Qubec City and Montralfreshperspectivesandideasthatnew worked hard to facilitate onboarding andin September 2023. recruits bring will be pivotal in helping us makesurethesepeopleweregivenaface the challenges ahead.warm,personalizedwelcome.ThenewNumriqueauFmininisaninitiative hires also received special training to helpthatbringstogetherwomen,men,andThe Committee has several duties: them launch their new careers in 2023. organizationsaroundasharedvision ofdiversity,equityandinclusion.This Take a creative and forward-In recognition of this remarkable initiative,movementishelpingtobuildamorethinking approach to influenceat the 2023 Excelsior Gala, the Joliettecreative,innovative,andprosperousthe Groups major directions RCMpresentedPromutuelInsurancesociety,wherewomenscontributionsactively and positively.Lanaudirewithanawardforthearenotonlyrecognized,butgreatly Coming incompanyscommitmenttodiversityandencouraged. Represent the voice of our inclusion in the workplace.younger clients.2024 Other international recruitment initiativesMembers of the Information TechnologyProvide the Board of division team were honoured to participate are also underway at Promutuel Insurancein this event, highlighting the importance Outaouais Valley and Promutuel Insuranceof women in this sector and their criticalDirectors with opinions and Chaudire-Appalaches. influence on business innovation. recommendations on a varietyof topics, including our DEI work in 2023.We are committed to developing and deployingour Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy all throughout Groupe Promutuel. Moreover, ew vi Re SR C97we will offer specific DEI training for our staff working closely with our members. Our DEI strategy and action32 0 2 |plan will be rolled outin early 2025.'