b'Officeredesign project:Caring forour people andfostering creativityIn fall of 2023, we kicked off our project to redesign and modernize our Federation office spaces to accommodate new flexible work arrangements and create an environment conducive to the well-being of our current and future staff.On the social front, we focused on:Accessibilityfor example, by adding adapted elevators and self-openingdoors, and installing accessible lockers and switches.Inclusionby creating facilities and spaces that are welcoming to one andall (e.g., lactation room, mixed washrooms, neurodiversity areas, etc.). On the environmental front, we took a circular economybased approach:Selling furniture to our staff at a nominal price and donating the proceedsto Centraide.Recycling building materials and old furniture.Our goal for this project, which is inspired by the WELL Building Standard to promote the well-being and health of our teams, is to achieve LEED Gold certification for superior environmentalperformance.Thefirstnewlyredesignedfloorswerecompletedin April 2024.'